We all remember our First Holy Communion Day with genuine fondness! It is the most special of family days and the memories live long with us through life. Today, it was the turn of Scoil Barra’s second class students to make their First Holy Communion day in the Church of Christ Our Light at 11 a.m. And what a special day that turned out to be! The rain stopped, the clouds rolled back and the sun shone! A touchingly beautiful, simple ceremony celebrated with family and friends, who could ask for anything more…! Congratulations to all our First Communicants and their families! We would like to express a particular word of thanks to Our Parish Priest, Fr. George O’Mahony who concelebrated the mass and to class teachers, Theresa O’Mahony and Kieran Dwyer for their incredible dedication and attention to detail which made the ceremony so special. Many thanks also to Áine Whelan for her beautiful musical accompaniment and to the Scoil Barra School Choir under the direction of Kara Woods, Keely Sheehan and Maria Healy whose contribution greatly added to the occasion. “This is the Day the Lord has made, We will Rejoice and be glad in it….”