School Books
Booklist below:
Workbooks, Copies and Textbooks will be provided by the school.
Please see the ‘Also Required’ Section for the items which your child will
require that we are asking parents to purchase and send to school on the first
day of school.
Download (PDF, 418KB)
Annual Charges
Parents are required to pay School Charges of €70 per pupil to cover:
Photocopying Costs, Art and Craft materials, Personal Insurance, Data Biz
Costs, Other class based stationery not covered by the government grant.
***All payment to the school for School Charges should be made through
Databiz Solutions, our on-line payment system. Go to
***You can also use our new school app- Eolas
Annual Charges: How to sign up to databiz
Annual Charges: How to sign up to databiz