The Feast of the Epiphany traditionally brings a close to the official celebration of Christmas for another year. And so the pupils of Scoil Barra marked this special church holiday by participating in a beautiful 12.30 p.m. mass at the Church of Christ Our Light today. The mass was celebrated by our Parish Priest Fr. George O’Mahony who joined with members of the local Ballincollig community present to congratulate the pupils and teachers of Scoil Barra on a most touching, upbeat mass. The positivity which exuded from the pupils’ singing and music certainly heralded in the new year of 2014 with great aplomb! In the meantime, some of our very talented artists would like to leave you with some fond memories of Christmas 2013 as we all look forward to 2014 with great hope and enthusiasm. Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh uilig!
May all your dreams come true!