The Art of handwriting is a beautiful skill. It’s quite amazing to think that this art is unique to each individual.There is something quite special about grasping a pen or pencil and making your own indelible, distinct mark on paper. However, in today’s technologically advanced world, there is a real fear that penmanship might in the not so distant future be reduced to a ‘relic of the past’. The art of handwriting is most definitely under attack from the might of the keyboard! Texting, emails and social media are replacing handwritten letters, cards and notes. But fear not! We are delighted to report that the pupils here in Scoil Barra are playing their part in reversing this trend as evidenced by their enthusiastic interest in and precision about their penmanship. There was great excitement on the corridors today when the winners of the school’s Annual Handwriting Competition were being announced. The theme for this year’s handwriting piece was ‘A Day in the Life of a Postperson’. There were lots of smiling faces at the prize giving ceremony and some print and cursive script samples to die for! School Handwriting Co-ordinator Orla Lande congratulated the prize winners on the very high standards they had all achieved. All entries from the various class levels will now be entered in the National Handwriting Competition organised by An Post and the Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO). We wish all our pupils and their beautiful samples of penmanship every success in this prestigious competition. Write on…..!!