Scoil Barra Student Council

Student Council 2016-17

By Morgan Foley & Emily Moloney Burke

In September our Student Council was selected. One boy and one girl were picked from our two sixth and two fifth classes.

Our teacher put all the pupil’s names into a hat and he picked out a girl and a boy. This also happened in the other 5th and 6th classes. Eight members in total were selected for the Student council. We were excited to get involved in the Student Council because we thought it would be fun and exciting to represent the school and meet famous people who would visit us. We meet every month with Ms Lande who helps us plan what we are going to do. This year has been a busy year for us so far.

In October our Student Council welcomed the Irish Olympians, Rob Heffernan and Lizzie Lee, to open our Nature Trek. After our annual walk, the classes had a party. We organised drinks, paper plates for treats and refuse collection for each class in the school.

In October, we helped organise the Scoil Barra enrolment afternoon. We welcomed the children to Scoil Barra helped the have a look around the school. In the hall we helped them colouring and in the classes we helped the children play games on the white board and on the tables too.

In December, we helped junior infants get ready for the school Christmas concert. We helped them to get organised in their place on the altar and we also listened to them practice.
We are looking forward to doing more in 2017.