Scoil Barra has been a very active member of the Healthy Ireland-HSE South Health Promoting Schools for over 12 years now, having originally signed up as a HPS in 2004. The commitment of the entire school community to make Scoil Barra a healthy place in which to live, learn and work in those intervening years was formally recognised at an award ceremony held in the school on Thursday last, 15 December. Eileen Haran, Health Promotion Officer with the HSE visited the school to present Scoil Barra with a New Healthy Ireland Health Promoting School Flag in recognition of its commitment to the health of the school community. After the formalities, Eileen was treated to a very lively and entertaining ‘Flash mob’ dance performance by all pupils to the Justin Timberlake hit song, “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” The school hall was certainly ‘rocking and rolling’! Congratulations to Scoil Barra’s HPS Co-ordinator Phil Galvin and her dedicated team comprising of teachers, pupils and parents for their incredible work in this area of health & well-being, active living and healthy eating.