Scoil Barra students take their history seriously! Not only do they enjoy tackling and talking about the intriguing local history of Ballincollig and that of their beloved County Cork but they also take their study of family history very much to heart! In September last, six of our students took the brave decision to rise to the genealogical challenge of tracing some of their own ancestors, researching their personal stories and committing their findings to paper. The Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project 2015 provided the impetus and direction and inevitable dreaded deadline for their individual research projects. Their hard work and dedication has certainly paid dividends! We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to two of our students for their incredible success in this prestigious competition. In the County Cork Fourth Class Individual Project Section, Niamh O’Mahony (4th Class) claimed first place for her project entitled, “My Great Grandmother, Ellen Reeves Russell”. The honours in the Senior Section (5th & 6th Class) was bestowed upon Clodagh O’Sullivan (5th Class) for her project on her Grandfather entitled, “Edward Beale and the Beale Family”. The girls will be presented with their prizes at a special award ceremony on this Friday March 13th 2015 in the Silversprings Hotel Convention Centre, Cork. Well done also to Elaine Thompson (6th), Kate Scanlon (5th), Nicola Batt (5th) and Sarah O’Connell (5th) for completing their fantastic family history projects and to Ms. Murphy for tutoring them along the way on their journey back in time!