Internet Safety Seminar for Parents: Tuesday, 5th December 2017

We would like to inform all parents/guardians about an upcoming event on Tuesday, 5th Dec. being organised by Scoil Barra and the Scoil Barra Parents and Friends’ Association.  A company called Zeeko Academy will present an Internet Safety Seminar to children from 3rd to 6th classes during the day, to teachers after school and to parents in the evening (time to be confirmed).

The seminar for parents will deal with such topics as: why our children need to use the internet, on-line games, on-line relationships, appropriate content, digital footprint, to name but a few.

At this stage we would like to gauge the level of interest among parents in attending the seminar for parents to figure out numbers, facilities required, etc. We believe this will be a really informative evening and will help parents to be proactive and to understand and work with their child’s Internet use.

If you are interested in attending would you please fill in your name on the slip at the end of Family Note number 12, cut out and ask your child to return to their teacher a.s.a.p. This will give us an idea as to how many people we need to cater for.

If you would like to find out more about the company presenting the seminar see their website or find them on Twitter @Zeeko Education

Hoping many of you will avail of the opportunity to attend this important seminar.