About Us

Main buildingScoil Barra is a co-educational primary school situated in Ballincollig, a thriving suburb just west of Cork City. It first opened its doors to pupils in 1985. Since then the school has grown and expanded considerably. The school now has 521 pupils with a teaching staff of 31 teachers, including 9 special education teachers, and in addition 6 Special Needs Assistants. The school also has excellent facilities including a general purpose hall, a large computer room and spacious playing areas.

Despite the expansion taking place in Ballincollig, Scoil Barra still maintains the benefit of an almost rural setting, being adjacent to the Regional Park and boasting its own large playing field.

In common with most other schools we try to keep up with the many technological developments that surround us and trying to keep our school website current and up to date is yet another challenge. We have tried to give a general flavour of what we are about and what occupies our time and energies within the school. Please contact us if you require any further information.

Martina Barry, Principal.

Scoil Barra,





Phone: 021 4873459

Fax: 021 4289763

Email: info@scoilbarra.ie