Over the last few days the pupils and staff of Scoil Barra were delighted to witness the children of our 3rd and 4th class belatedly receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion and last years 6th class receive their Confirmation.
Both Joyous occasions worthy of celebration that were more than welcomed as we emerge from more turbulent times.

A huge congratulations to all the pupils and their families who treated the ceremonies with the utmost respect and sanctitude that they commanded.
Thank you to the Ms. O’ Sullivan and Ms. Woods for the musical accompaniment , Class teachers past and present who prepared the children for their sacraments, to the support teachers, SNA’s,the celebrant’s Fr. Alan, Fr. Cian and Fr. Camil, the Sacristans and the flower arrangers who all helped to make the Holy Communion and Confirmation celebrations as wonderful as they were.