Enrolment Week takes place this year from 13th – 17th Nov.
If you have a child due to start school as a Junior Infant in Sept. 2018, please ensure that you have completed an Application for Admission Form before the closing date for receipt of Applications i.e.17th November 2017.
As we expect that the number of applications will again far exceed the number of places available in next year’s Junior Infants Classes (2 classes only being enrolled), the allocation of places will be dealt with by the Board of Management in accordance with Scoil Barra’s Enrolment/Admissions Policy.
In accordance with the Enrolment Policy, pupils commencing school as Junior Infants in Sept. 2018 must be at least 4 years of age on/before 31st May 2018.
An ‘Open Afternoon’ is scheduled for Thursday, 16th Nov., 1.30-2.30 p.m. Prospective parents and children are invited to come to the school that afternoon to meet with some staff members and to view the Infants’ Classrooms.